A root canal can become infected and diseased due to decay in the tooth. In the early days, if you had a tooth with a diseased nerve, you would probably lose that tooth. Those days are gone. With a special dental procedure called a Root Canal Treatment (RCT) we remove the infected nerve, enabling us to save your natural tooth.
The nerve inside each of your teeth provide nutrients and sensations to the tooth. If bacteria manages to get inside your nerve chamber, they begin to destroy the nerve tissues and the tooth will eventually become infected or an abscess will form. Tooth loss may result.
The most common reasons for bacteria reaching your nerve chamber:
Serious decay
Fracture of the tooth
Trauma to the tooth
A broken filling that has been left untreated
With RCT, The removal of the nerve tissue and the sterilisation and sealing of your root canal is carried out to protect it. We recommend when a crown should be placed on to the tooth to protect it and help the tooth stay strong.
RCT is a basic procedure which can be very successful giving you great results. It can save a seriously infected tooth from being pulled. Several appointments will possibly be needed, depending on the severity of the decay.
Our fees for RCT vary according to the complexity of the case; teeth can have anything from a single straight root canal to multiple fine curved canals. Our range is from $950 to $1450, this includes the final filling on the tooth.
Call us on (04) 4766252 to find out more about our root canal treatment or to schedule in a visit during office hours 9am to 5.00pm weekdays, or send us an e-mail.